rodsterling reviewed by Rebolio

rodsterling avatar on Tripadvisor

rodsterling @rodsterling

  • Active on Tripadvisor
  • Published review: 1
  • Average rating: 5.0 (over the last 1 review)

Trust Score: 100%

Reviewed: 1 time

The Trust Score™ is based on notes left by users.
Rebolio wrote a review
Do you trust this reviewer? Yes
Reviewed July 13, 2020

Cool reviewer and nice recommendation

With a username like that, @rodsterling had to live up to the legend... which he absolutely did! Through his one and only review, which dates back from 2009, he recommends a cool cinema that I would like to visit myself. To quote him:

“[This theater is] the anti-googleplex, feeling more like a high IQ pajama party. Check it out. You'll have a good time.”

Right on, dude, I’d definitely do if I was around (and if it were still open).

I’m wondering were is @rodsterling now... Maybe he’s lost in the twilight zone, or maybe he just lost the password of his Tripadvisor account. In any case that’s a shame, I’d definitely enjoy reading more reviews from him. A solid 100% trust score is rightly deserved here.