Merlot reviewed by Rebolio

Merlot avatar on Tripadvisor

Merlot @merlot

  • Active on Tripadvisor
  • Published reviews: 2
  • Average rating: 5.0 (over the last 1 review)

Trust Score: 100%

Reviewed: 1 time

The Trust Score™ is based on notes left by users.
Rebolio wrote a review
Do you trust this reviewer? Yes
Reviewed July 21, 2020

Sweet, super sweet

One thing we like about this app is just searching random names. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s scary, sometimes annoying... and sometimes uncanny. That’s what we felt stumbling upon Merlot’s profile.

First thing, it’s old... the two contributions are from 2004 and 2005. Merlot talks about her and her kids, giving their age (9, 11 and going 40). It’s uncanny thinking now these people are 16 years older. They probably forgot about their Tripadvisor reviews but for us it’s like a window into the past. A testimony from the past.

Merlot goes to length in her review of a resort in Mexico to defend the place abc express how much she loved her vacations there. That is so sweet... and actually touching. Definitely a 100% score here for the cheer joy we got from reading it.